A few years ago you had your beautiful baby. Those first years are exhausting but you survived them. The sleep deprivation, the feedings, the diapers, and that kitchen sink worth of stuff you carried around, you have mastered. Then the two's and three's smacked you upside the head and you realize the baby that didn't need disciplining (all love for the babies) now needs some guidance. And what do you need? Some additional tools in your toolbox to deal with all the new behaviors coming your way.
We aren't born knowing how to discipline a child effectively. Notice that last word "effectively". Sure we can fly by the seat of our pants, do what our parents did, hide out in the bathroom until the tantrum passes, or react barking commands and wielding a wooden spoon, but there are better approaches. When we are in the weeds, it's difficult to think creatively and besides, experts have done this work for you.
As a couples therapist, I talk to parents every week. A disproportionate amount of the couples I see have young children. I always inquire about what parenting books they've read. Most have read the baby books a few years back, but almost none have read the books targeting parents of toddlers and beyond. And so that becomes their homework...read, learn, try out some new strategies. Below is a list of some of the widely recognized experts on child development and parenting. Do yourself and your kiddos a favor and check them out!
No Drama Discipline & Parenting from the Inside Out & The Whole Brain Child, (all 3 by ) Dan Siegel
Raising Human Beings, Ross Greene
Setting Limits With Your Strong-Willed Child, Revised and Expanded 2nd Edition, Robert Mackenzie
Scream Free Parenting, Hal Runkel
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk, Adele Faber
The Conscious Parent, Dr. Shefali Tsabary
About the author: Dr. Melissa Hudson has been a Plano licensed marriage and family therapist since 2012. She also helps those contending with anxiety and depression as well as families. Conveniently located near The Shops of Legacy, Dr. Hudson is convenient to Frisco, Richardson, Allen, McKinney, and The Colony. You can learn more about her work here.